In Memory of Kiev Trams + Photo Gallery of Trams and Trolleybuses:: Photo Galleries:: Kiev Cars:: KTP-55: Last but Not Least


Part 1

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The KTP-55 (Kievskiy Tramvay Pritsepnoy, Kiev Tram Trailer; another version of the name, KPV-55, Kievskiy Pritsepnoy Vagon, Kiev Trailer Car, seems to exist) trailers were manufactured at the Kiev Dzherzhinsky Electric Transportation Plant, and used in trains with both MTV-82 and KTV-55 as leading cars, thus more than doubling their capacity. A little less than a hundred in total were made. Somewhat strangely, they received numbers in the 10xx series: strangely because the very same series was already in use by the old Pullmans — and some of those were still alive at the time.

The trailers left Kiev streets forever together with their "masters", in the mid-80s. They were less lucky than the motor cars — and not one of them survives today.

1003 The interior of car 1003, looking forward.
[Aare Olander, 10.06.1981]
1004 At Ploschad Pobedy. Route 18 did not run here; so this train must be leaving the depot for its first service run of the day.
[Wolfgang Schreiner, 07.1973]
1004 The trailers were intensively used on the speed tram line, which, with its high passenger flow, was served by trains only. Here at the Gnata Yury junction, an outbound train on route 17 is about to turn left into Yuzhnaya Borschagovka. As a matter of fact, the route itself is to be abandoned a little more than two months later.
[Hans Oerlemans, 10.09.1978]
1010 Actually the first trailer manufactured, 1010, coupled to KTV-55 1110, differs in appearance from most of the other sister cars in that it has "MTV-82" style side windows (and a different back window as well). It is depicted here at the Zavod Bolshevik terminus of route 17.
[Wolfgang Schreiner, 05.1977]
1011 This trailer is one of the very few, if not the only one with a center door (KTV-55-2 style), rather than the common back door. It is on route 23 at Ploschad Pobedy, with the Ukraina Department Store in the background.
[Rolf-Roland Scholze, 1970s?]
1012 Another MTV-style specimen, on route 12 in the district of Podol.
[Wolfgang Schreiner, 10.1959]
1018 It was not a thoroughly-followed rule, but fairly often a KTV-55 11ab would be coupled to its matching trailer 10ab. One of such trains was 1118+1018, seen here at the Bolshevik loop running route 17.
[Wolfgang Schreiner, 05.1977]
1019 Trailing an MTV, 1019 serves route 12 somewhere within Podol.
[Wolfgang Schreiner, 10.1959]
1022 Yet another MTV-style trailer, appropriately coupled to an MTV, during a short period when these cars bore a yellow-and-blue livery. The location is Brest-Litovskiy Prospekt, and the route is 7.
[Wolfgang Schreiner, 08.1973]
1022 The same trailer, repainted, and seen to match its leading car quite nicely. The picture was taken soon after route 3 was prolonged to its present-day final stop, but while it still retained its Vokzal inner terminus thus running over a non-speed section of track along Zhilyanskaya St. near Pl. Pobedy.
[Dieter Küllmer, 1977?]
1023 And yet another copy of the same, on route 19, probably at its Pl. Shevchenko outer terminus.
[Wolfgang Schreiner, 09.1974]
1023 The same train at the same place, with the leading MTV visible as well.
[Wolfgang Schreiner, 09.1974]
1026 One of the earlier versions of livery, which did not last long; a train on route 6 is seen here at the Vokzal (railway station) loop.
[Wolfgang Schreiner, 06.1961]
1028 Leaving Vokzal, with Ul. Kominterna visible ahead, and the neighborhood of Pankovschina, sometimes referred to as the Quartier Latin of Kiev, on the right. This tram line is gone, and all remnants of tram presence in the area scheduled to be liquidated soon...
[Wolfgang Schreiner, 06.1961]
1032 Yet another picture of the "yellow-and-blue period", this time an MTV plus a KTV-style trailer, at the Bolshevik loop.
[Wolfgang Schreiner, 08.1973]
1035 A train of route 19 boarding at Kontraktovaya Ploschad, in the heart of Podol. The very same route runs here at present.
[Hans Oerlemans collection, 1970]

© Stefan Mashkevich, Aare Olander, 2003
Any usage of materials found herein requires explicit consent of the author and/or copyright holders as specified.
Last updated 16 December 2003