2411 | |
2412 |  | Turning from Prospekt Pobedy onto Ul. Dovzhenko
using a service line, heading for Depot No. 2. [Aare Olander, 03.06.2002] |
2413 |  | On a bright May morning on route 26, Ul. Scherbakova, not far
from Salyutnaya. [Stefan Mashkevich, 28.05.2005] |
2414 |  | In the hangar of Depot No. 2. [Aare Olander, 16.06.1998] |
2415 |  | Leaving Metro Nivki along Ul. Scherbakova, heading towards
Vinogradar on route 26. [Vadim Pudovkin, 30.04.2004] |
2416 |  | In Depot No. 2; see in the background are houses on Ul. Dovzhenko. [Aare Olander, 16.06.1998] |
2417 |  | At the intersection of Schuseva and Teligi,
near the Dorogozhichi Metro station. The trolleybus proceeds
towards Lukyanovka on route 23. [Stefan Mashkevich, 04.09.2003] |
2418 |  | At the Chernobylskaya terminus of route 7? [Norman Griffiths, 29.06.1994] |
2419 |  | In Depot No. 2, ready for work on route 5. [Aare Olander, 16.06.1998] |
2420 |  | Leaving Depot No. 2 for route 7 (heading south
on Ul. Dovzhenko towards Prospekt Pobedy). [Aare Olander, 01.08.1997] |