Up until June 2004, the modernized cars were mostly used on
the trans-Dnieper routes (21, 31).
After the city bosses made a "gift" to the inhabitants,
destroying the Paton Bridge — Prospekt Vossoedineniya Line
and cutting the united tram network into two, all the cars remained
in Darnitsa; now, therefore, one can only see them on the left bank.
They can be spotted on route 8, which became much more important
after its prolongation to Metro Lesnaya,
as well as on routes 2, 23, 25, 29, 33.
On 23 August 2005, the day the new Borispolskaya Metro Station
was opened, route 29, whose terminus is at that station,
was filled with these cars almost exclusively,
Nowadays, not only are they rather scarce on that route,
but also the station entrance leading to the tram terminus
has been closed. Well, that was not the first time for Kiev's management
to stage a show like this, and definitely not the last.
In 2005, more cars of the 56** series, which have always belonged to Darnitsa,
got modernized — not as thoroughly as the first ones, but enough
to be easily recognizable.
The modernization project is gradually accelerating, although
its rate is by far not what it should be.
As of this writing (January 2006) there are a total of 9 modernized cars.
5613 (May 2005) |  |  |  |
Turning from Trostyanetskaya into Slavgorodskaya
[Alexxx, 29.07.2005] |
Against a "countryside" background on Tashkentskaya
[Evgeny Gura, 23.08.2005] |
By the Darnitsa Depot
[Alexander Zisser, 29.08.2005] |
5614 (August 2005) |  |  |  |
Short of the Gagarina/Krasnogvardeyskaya intersection
[Stefan Mashkevich, 03.10.2005] |
Turning from Krasnogvardeyskaya into Usenko, by the Darnitsa Depot
[Stefan Mashkevich, 03.10.2005] |
On Bratislavskaya, approaching Metro Chernigovskaya
[Anton, 17.11.2005] |
5673 (October 2005) |  |  |  |
Kharkovskoe Shosse, short of Prazhskaya
[Anton, 07.11.2005] |
Winter landscape; Tashkentskaya
[Anton, 04.12.2005] |
Same place, opposite direction
[Anton, 04.12.2005] |
5905 (August 2005) |  |  |  |
At the Metro Borispolskaya terminus, on the opening day
[Evgeny Gura, 23.08.2005] |
Next to the Darnitsa Depot
[Alexander Zisser, 29.08.2005] |
On Privokzalnaya, by Darnitsky Vokzal
[Vyacheslav Andryuschenko, 06.11.2005] |
5916 (October 2005) |  |  |  |
Near Darnitsky Vokzal
[Vyacheslav Andryuschenko, 23.10.2005] |
At the former route 2 terminus, Miloslavskaya
[Anton, 04.12.2005] |
On the Troeschina speed line (Ul. Balzaka)
[Anton, 04.12.2005] |
5977 (July 2004) |  |  |  |
In the Kharkovsky residential area, near the corner of Ahmatovoy and Revutskogo
[Stefan Mashkevich, 21.11.2004] |
At Leningradskaya Ploschad
[Anton, 07.11.2005] |
On Krasnogvardeyskaya, with an industrial zone in the background
[Vyacheslav Andryuschenko, 27.11.2005] |
5981 (July 2005) |  |  |  |
On Trostyanetskaya, short of the intersection with Kharkovskoe Shosse
[Anton, 26.07.2005] |
On Yaltinskaya
[Alexxx, 29.07.2005] |
Near the Darnitsa Depot
[Stefan Mashkevich, 03.10.2005] |
5992 (March 2003) |  |  |  |
By Metro Dnepr, on route 31, which is no more
[Stefan Mashkevich, 09.09.2003] |
Near the Kharkovsky Massiv loop
[Stefan Mashkevich, 21.11.2004] |
On Kharkovskoe Shosse (the viaduct over the railway in the background)
[Anton, 10.06.2005] |
5994 (February 2004) |  |  |  |
At the Metro Lesnaya loop
[Stefan Mashkevich, 29.05.2004] |
On Azerbajdzhanskaya, route 23
[Stefan Mashkevich, 03.10.2005] |
In the winter on Tashkentskaya
[Anton, 04.12.2005] |